Saturday, 7 June 2014

Financial Rules.

I have for some time now had control of my boy's finances. I have the only access to his bank account and his wages and he no longer has any idea of how much money is in there. He is given pocket money fortnightly to pay for his essentials.

He is required to keep a financial record of how his pocket money is spent and has to submit receipts to me as evidence. I periodically scrutinise his book and record keeping.

I recently did such a scrutiny, and have the following requirements for my boy..

(He has not been told of these yet, and does not know where to find his new rules. All I know is that he will come across them....).

1. you are no longer to shop at A... you may instead shop at the village discount food shop and the village supermarket. 

2. you are to get and use a loyalty card for the chemist shop that you use.

3. you drink too much coke and some of your receipts represent money wasted on bought lunches when better preparation would save you money. You are to cut down the amount of coke you drink. If you can do this yourself to my satisfaction I will allow you freedom to continue using your money wisely, otherwise I will disallow coke from your shopping lists altogether.

4. you do not need to ask me to justify or give reasons for anything I have said here. You are just to accept my wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. My Dearest Mistress

    Thank you for the gift of my new rules and for taking the time and trouble to create and record them

    I believe you will be pleased to know that your cock is filling his cage and my tummy is feeling heavy from reading them.

    Of course I will abide by these rules without question and realise I have no choice anyway seeing as you have the power to enforce them

    I can confirm that I understand all the points and what you refer to in them.

    I love you (and thank you for giving me permission to say that as much as I like).
    I love you with all my heart

    Mistress Keyholder's lucky boy.
