Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Nipple play

Pure white, crisp, clean shirt. Meticulous.
Smart man. Professional. Highly respectable job.
Sat in the back of a car together.
In his work, a strong figure. Looked up to. Highly regarded.
In the back of the car, sat, clothed smartly, avoiding my eye contact.
My hand ventures to his top button, and undoes it.
This man, officially clothed, but looking down, as I undo another button.
And I think that it shouldn't be.
That I am unclothing this smart man, revealing his skin,
unsmartening him as I continue to unbutton.
Disrespecting him by spoiling his appearance.
Yet he sits motionless, allowing me.
Occasionally glancing at me,
and looking away.
I touch his skin, beneath his shirt.
Towards his nipple.
And my fingers brush over it.
He murmurs.
And I proceed to stroke it,
because his cock is locked away,
I arouse his nipple.
I use it,
as my tool to torment him.
Rolling it, between fingertips, gently,
Stroking, pulling, squeezing, rubbing, as if it were cock in my hands...
gaining my own pleasure from doing this to him.
Arousing myself by abusing,
the smartly dressed man in his car.

And all the time, cock is locked away in unrelenting steel.
He is held tight.
As I sit on his lap, facing him, I feel
cock pushing up
against me,
trying so hard.
Flicking and jumping about,
Wanting attention.

But nipple has me tonight.
Two nipples,
one in each hand,
hurting him.
a smart man, in the back of a car, last night...

And cock...
is locked.


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