Monday, 27 January 2025


He messaged me in October last year asking for me to consider him. He described himself briefly and he sounded ok. Ok so far. Then he tells me he's away abroad travelling and won't be back for months.

Yet another time waster, I think. I tell him to message me on his return to the UK and promptly forget about him and never expect to hear from him again.

Jan 2nd 2025.

He messages again and tells me he's back and would like to take me out for a coffee. He lives very close to me, we kind of got along over a few texts, so I agree, still not expecting anything other than a message prior to meeting saying he can't make it.

He's quite a lot younger than me, and it's always just a fantasy thing. I have literally had over a thousand young men ask me out only to chicken out last minute.

I was quite surprised when the day arrived, he didn't cancel, and a very young looking man (even for his age) appeared as arranged. 

I have been on dates, quite a lot over the past three years, and I always go home and think, it wasn't quite right, and it ends. But this time, I didn't go home disappointed. I actually liked him, and it appeared to be a mutual feeling.

We've met a few times since, and while we get along, and there is definitely a spark, there are a lot of con's and I do have concerns.

  • He is terrible at communication and I depend on the closeness it brings
  • He appears completely disinterested at times, mostly due to the lack of communication
  • He has zero motivation
  • He is disorganised (as am I and I need organisation in my life)
  • He doesn't express his feelings
But he has pro's.
  • I can sense his submissive nature
  • He's stuck with me for quite a while
  • We have similar kink interests
  • I feel at ease with him

He is going to be very hard work and it may be a complete failure, but for now, I've decided to give it a go, and as such, I am focussed on him alone. It would be unfair for me to say any other. If I'm giving him a go, I've got to be committed and give it my full attention. He is going to need it!

If it fails, it shares with my devoted readers that the fetish life I am predestined to be involved in is challenging and comes with ups, downs and complete collapses. It's just the reality of life, but I'll share the experience, and we'll see where it goes.

I have named him. 


He calls me Miss. 

This will be the story of Miss and Twink.

It may be a short story. It may be long. Let's hope it's the latter.

So I begin 2025 with a tiny fraction of hope for happiness to be in my life again. To have my other half completed. I have survived the past three years alone, but it has been just that. Surviving. I have done some amazing things that have pushed my boundaries and I've achieved things I never thought I would, but something is just missing.

Let's see if Twink is my missing jigsaw piece.

As always, I am, Mistress Keyholder. Chastity is my obsession.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky boy. I hope it works out for you. If only I could of been that lucky sub
